The Financial Fitness Program teaches the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance.

What's Inside:

  • Financial Fitness Book
  • Financial Fitness Workbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish, French
  • Financial Fitness Decal

Available Digitally

  • Financial Fitness eBook
  • Financial Fitness eWorkbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish French
  • Audios Available Offline

Financial Literacy Video Training Series

A collection of instructional videos, taught by Financial Fitness co-Authors Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, that are designed to reinforce the 47 principles taught in the Financial Fitness Program.
Play Sample 1

Play Sample 2

Play Sample 3

Play Sample 4

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

Persistence is paying off! Over the course of one week’s time, my wife was able to reduce our mortgage from a 30-year to a 15-year loan and she cut our interest rate from 6% to 2.75%. She also went through some credit reporting activity and found that there was money on the table there—$360 coming back from a credit reporting agency because they left stuff on my credit report that shouldn’t have been there! So she cleaned that up. She also went in and got our car and home insurance reviewed. We went from one company to another just by price-matching. That dropped our insurance down $1,000 per year. And here’s the big one. She has found a way to get rid of our interest-bearing-debt and our medical bills—$8,500 in one week—completely wiped out. My wife has become my Phoenix! She’s following the Financial Fitness principles that she’s hearing all the time on the audios and it’s changing our lives. Thank you!
Patrick Thatcher

At first we started going through the Financial Fitness Program principles loosely and we never recorded any of our results. But, eventually we decided to get completely and fully committed to the Financial Fitness Program and we found that we had $426 a month that the ‘Green Box’ saved us from spending. That monthly savings doesn't even include the amount of money that Alicia and I saved when we switched from eating fast food to actually buying groceries and meal planning at home. That number may be close to $700+ saved monthly, but we haven't crunched those numbers yet. Basically that $426 was wasteful spending outside of our meals. Now we have a testimony that we can share with others!
Anthony Parker